Monday, August 15, 2011

About The OrganisationThrough Questions

Q. Explain the concept of Universal Self Consciousness

A-It is an intuitive experience of all Beings reflected in
Himself and Himself reflected in all beings. The
experience (Anubhava) is organically integral to one
Q. Who propounded this concept ?
A-Bhagavan Sri Audi Sankara a great renowned saint,
mystic philosopher of South India of 7th century has
theorized the concept in his famous Dakshina Murthy
Stavam. However, the roots of this notion could be
traced to Bhagavatgita.
Q. How your method of meditation is related to USC?
A-USC is intrinsically an out come of the process of
yoga. Bhagavan Sri Krishna categorically indicated and
emphasized that it is not at all an intellectual exercise
(sarva bhutasta atmanam – sarva bhuta ni cha atmaniekshtae
yoga yuktatma – sarvatwa sama darshanaha-
Q- Don’t you think the concept is rather utopian?
A- No. Because conscious perception of I as a notion
and it’s experience is a common denominator in all
human beings despite variegated names and forms.
Therefore, is a moment to moment experience of every
day life, though it is not cognizant as It is masked by
corporeal self ( i ). Yoga is needed to unmask it ( see,
note on Theoretical Elucidation on concept USC in next
issue of this bulletin)
Q- Explain about the meditation that Sahaja Marga Raja
yoga Dhyana Gruhastha Ashram (SMRYDGA), its

A- This yoga is primarily based on revised version of
Panthanjali Maha Rushi’s raja yoga simplified to suite to
day-to-day busy life of the modern man. It includes
components of yoga of surrender known as Prapatti
yoga. Essential feature of this technique is imparting
Pranahuti the nascent Life Force emanating from cosmic
Universal Mind called Hiranya Garbha to its abhyasis.
This astral divine force is introduced in to the heart of
the person at a specified point on the causal body by
preceptor who is trained and skilful in the art of yoga
transmission. The person who is doing meditation has to
sit for meditation for few minutes closing his eyes. The
technique is quite rational and simple in that the Pranic
Force placed in the heart of the seeker (abhyasi) of
REALITY gradually erases out micro impressions called
karmic sanskaras embedded on causal body (Karana
Sareera). Thus err -long, paves the way for emergence
of Universal Self Consciousness that was hitherto hidden
by ego the small self (i).This state of consciousness is
akin to godliness; it is a state of sublimation &
transmutation from waking consciousness to
transcendental & cosmic consciousness. The, resultant
benefits are obvious.
Q- How this yoga meditation contributes, to my overall
social and economic prosperity, personal mental well
being besides spiritual attainment?
• A—Regular practice of this system of meditation
for about 15 to 20 minutes helps to open the gates
to vast, limitless and functional creative
intelligence that backs, supports, refreshes and
nourishes limited human mental and intellectual
capabilities. The result is a higher level of
performance of skills in any professional field.
(1) Thus it contributes directly to economic betterment
in this age of high professional competition.
(2) This yoga on daily practice for few minutes brings
various layers of psycho-somatic personality to a
neutral point. Then the pers-onal interaction in intra
and inter personal social relationships become
harmonious, pleasant, smooth and cordial.
(3) This psychological gain indirectly keeps the person in
best of the health, radiating divine effulgence
contributing to social health of the community.
(4) Because of psycho somatic gain of yoga practice, the
person develops an intrinsic nature called swabhava
that keeps him unattached to sorrows and miseries,
like the lotus leaf in troubled waters of life . In short,
it brings infallible success in endeavors and actions.
What else more you want?
• Q—What is the essential purpose of yoga?

• A—To evolve and dive deep in Creative
Consciousness so that you, (ego the finite)
become sublimated, trans-mutated and
transcended to THAT (the INFINITE).
Q—What is basic cause and reason for miseries,
sorrows, disappoint-ments that cause mental strain
and stress in daily life?

A—IT is the ignorance of one’s divine and spiritual
intrinsic nature of personality. The remedy is
already indicated.
Q--Are there any impositions of ‘’dos’’ & ‘’ do not’s’’
i.e. impositions and restrictions on day to day life
of the individual?

A--There are no such restrictions. What is required
is sincere and honest desire to go beyond the
limitations imposed by mind the ego self,
identifying himself with Universal Self. For this, he
must consider himself as trustee of the family on
behalf of God the creator of universe and manage
family affairs with that notion. God will provide the
material means according to the destiny (prarabdha
karma) of the members of the family. This bhavana
(attitude) keeps the mind free of reactionary micro
impressions (sanskara).And sets him free of
bondage of mental identification which is the root
cause of worldly miseries and sorrows. As yoga
progresses his relationships with others in the
society becomes more harmonious and cordial. This
is all what is required. Universal Self Consciousness
is Godly consciousness.
Q---For giving training in this method of meditation
what are the institutional arrangements made?
Whom to consult?

How long it will take to learn this method of
Will the guides or preceptors be available during
If so where to & whom to contact?
A---1-Yes; institutional arrangements have been
made for conducting training and guiding during the
learning period.
2—The addresses of ashram branches are given in
this bulletin and regularly in all monthly news
bulletins; our information material hand outs also
indicates the ashram addresses.
3---Regarding time required to learn and stabilize
in this yoga, it depends upon the earnestness of the

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